
Science and Innovations

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No 10 (2024)
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4-11 65

There are analyzed the trends in the meat and milk world and Belarus’ market development.

12-18 55

The authors formulated the current research directions in industrial biotechnology of the starter cultures, and presented the most important results obtained whilst implementing state programs of scientific and applied research.

19-24 48

There were studied the functional and specialized products, and their production in Belarus has been justified.

25-31 42

The authors considered the development of sheep breeding in the Republic of Belarus, presented the breed composition of sheep in the country's farms, and justified the use of lamb to expand the range of meat products.

32-36 62

The authors considered the interstate and state standards of the Republic of Belarus, establishing requirements for dairy and meat products, as well as products of the poultry processing industry.

37-42 50

There have been presented the research results on the development of dry meat mixtures and emulsions production technologies using 3D printer, as well as natural high-quality meat products based on them.


43-47 66

The article examines the problems of analyzing the quality of socio-economic processes from the standpoint of taking into account the level of technologies used to produce economic goods circulating in these processes. A corresponding cost-effective methodology for determining the technological quality of socio-economic processes (production, consumption, export, import, accumulation, scientific and technical activities, innovative, educational activities, etc.) is proposed. Using this methodology based on the Input-Output table system, calculations of the technological quality of production, consumption, export and import for a number of countries, including the Republic of Belarus, were carried out. Analysis of the obtained results allowed us to draw final conclusions regarding the technological competitiveness and technological security of these countries. 

48-53 86

The article discusses the essence and types of ecological innovations, analyzes technological changes in traditional sectors of the economy, as well as new concepts and areas that have arisen due to the application of green technologies. The position of Belarus on the global stage is analyzed in terms of readiness to implement ecological innovations. The analysis of the state innovation policy is conducted, and priority areas for the development of ecological innovations and green technologies are justified to ensure the economic security of Belarus.


54-59 54

The author analyzed the problem issues of AI economic effects within the framework of the state development strategy, digital public services, and business activities.

60-68 98

A methodology for assessing the level of development of smart cities in China is presented, developed by ranking three approaches (a weighted sum of WSM criteria with equal weights, a sum of criteria combined with the EWM entropy weighing method, a combined EWM-TOPSIS method based on calculating the degree of proximity between the current situation and its "ideal" state), which made it possible to determine promising areas of their sustainable development. Among them: improving the digital literacy of residents and growing digital talents, improving smart infrastructure, improving smart management capabilities through digital technologies, growing the digital economy and creating smart industries, promoting the urban environment, and ensuring smart living.


69-72 40

The article presents the research results showing a high level of emotional burnout among Belarusian IT specialists. Recommendations aimed at preventing this condition are given. 


73-78 47

The article describes the stages of work on the autonomous submersible gamma-spectrometers for long-term underwater radiation monitoring.


79-83 79

Tropilelapsosis of bees is a contagious disease of the brood of hon- ey bees caused by mites of the genus Tropilaelaps. The tense epizootic situation regarding this disease in the Russian Federation and a number of other countries is considered as a potential threat of the introduction of this parasite into the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This article provides an overview of scientific research on the biology and morphology of the pathogen, its distribution, the clinical manifestation of the disease, pathogenesis and diagnostic methods. Requirements are given to prevent the spread of this disease.

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)