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No 9 (2024)
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4-7 59

The artificial intelligence phenomenon is considered in line with the general trends in the world development associated with computerization, informatization, and the information society formation processes. 

8-12 43

The authors analyzed the process of the Earth civilization entering a new phase, the CyberTechnoSocioGenesis, which is characterized by a number of new features and properties that require philosophical understanding, recording and extrapolation.

13-16 117

The author analyzed the role of AI in modern life and its development trends

17-23 36

The article analyzes the most advanced developments in the field of AI, the capabilities of generative AI with human abilities to form discourse and understand context. Based on the study, conclusions are made on the legitimacy of the modern intelligent systems claiming to the status of strong AI.

24-30 53

The problem of introducing AI technologies into the education system is considered.

31-35 39

The article considers the crisis caused by artificial intelligence generated by science. It is suggested that cooperation between science and art can help, first of all, the science to restore the lost balance of principles and connection with reality.


36-41 77

The article considers the prerequisites for the emergence of a cluster mechanism for the introduction of initiative developments in the Republic of Belarus. A basic (reference) model of the implementation mechanism is proposed, according to which a new cluster mechanism is formed at the level of its core, an algorithm for integration and interaction of implementation organizations and six conditions for the implementation of this algorithm in practice. It is shown that the launch of a new cluster mechanism will allow the introduction of 14 to 26 initiative developments annually, which will contribute to the socio-economic development of Belarus.

42-47 94

The concept of socially responsible marketing is considered in the context of modern trends in the economic policy of the Republic of Belarus and the state of business ecosystems. On the basis of complex analysis of scientific points of view and adaptation to modern conditions of management the author’s definition of socially responsible marketing is offered, its differentiation from the concepts of socially ethical marketing and relationship marketing is carried out. A system of principles of socially responsible marketing has been developed as the fundamental principles of strategic management of a Belarusian enterprise, which should be understood as internal social responsibility; external social responsibility; environmental responsibility; compliance with legal and ethical standards; receiving a profit.


48-51 72

In this scientific study, the socio-economic and technical and technological features of the new economic and technological paradigm are high lighted. As a result of the analysis of trends in the development of the Industry 4.0 market and digital initiatives adopted in the world, the prerequisites for the formation of an economic cyber-physical space at the national level have been identified, and the relevance of the subject of scientific research has been substantiated. Based on the analysis of the evolutionary development of spatial economics, the research of scientific schools is systematized and theoretical and methodological schemes belonging to representatives of the German, French (continental), Anglo-Saxon and Russian schools of spatial economics are analyzed. As a result, the postulates of the economic cyberphysical space are developed and the author's interpretation of the concept of economic cyber physical space is proposed.


52-58 27

The article considers the problems of team building among scientific workers, and gives the team efficiency factors.

59-62 39

The article considers the importance of modern political economy for the state development. The author gives the political economy project results on the development of the concept, methodology and theory, aimed at qualitative updating of economic education.


63-66 51

The author showed the scale of the scientist's personality, and his contribution to the philosophy and methodology of science.

67-72 39

There is considered the experience of designing, licensing and commissioning the experimental complex "Yalina" in the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, and the proved possibility of these technologies use in the 5th generation nuclear reactors creation.


73-76 39

The authors considered the modern type of import-substituting greenhouse developed in Belarus which can increase the off-season vegetable yield and their year-round fresh consumption. Therefore it can improve the  population’s health and the economic situation in the country.

77-78 30

There was presented an innovative development of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus which is in line with the best world analogues.


79-83 69

The results of an electromyographic study of 13 patients, aged 50–87 years, with aseptic instability of the components of a knee joint endoprosthesis at the stage of preparation for revision arthroplasty, who were treated at the Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Trauma tology and Orthopedics in the period from 2013 to 2020, were analyzed. To assess the orthopedic status, we used: clinical examination, radiography of the knee joint in 2 standard and axial projections, topogram and CT scan. lectrophysiological studies provide important information for elucidating the etiopathogenesis of knee joint endoprosthesis instability. One of the causes of instability may be an imbalance in the activity of the flexor and extensor muscles that develops during walking, subsequently leading to periprosthetic osteolysis, which occurs as a response to the formation of wear and tear products of the components of the endoprosthesis.

ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)