
Science and Innovations

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No 1 (2023)
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4-10 100

The article deals with the measures to adapt the existing economic management system of Belarus to the realities of the new world economic order and to launch a new stage of modernization of the real sector.


12-18 121

The author explores the concept, economic essence and tasks of import substitution policy, analyzes current trends in this area in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

19-23 247

The article analyzes the state and prospects of the chemical-thermal treatment, as the basic technology for increased durability of parts.

24-28 84

The article considers the advantages of promising methods of thermal hardening and a comprehensive algorithm for developing new technologies of high-speed induction heating and heat treatment.

29-41 149

The review presents the most important developments of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences, created for the purpose of import substitution.


42-46 469

The author considers the features of the foresight method as an effective modern forecasting tool, used for long-term forecasts of innovative and technological development in different countries of the world, including the Republic of Belarus.

47-52 904

The article provides an empirical typology of the countries of the world on indicators in the field of scientific, technical and innovation activity, identifies the situation of Belarus and the EAEU countries, as well as measures necessary to improve their positions in the Global Index of Innovation.

53-56 136

The article proposes transformation of the modern Belarusian national model of mergers and acquisitions, which involves consolidation of solvent and insolvent organizations, by applying the theory of two divided extremes.


57-61 251

The authors analyzed the world market of construction services and the dynamics of the world leaders’ competitive positions – China and the EU, as well as the Republic of Belarus, made proposals on the transfer of the Chinese experience in the construction complex digitalization to our country.

62-65 91

The article considers the urgent task of finding ways and methods to transfer control to the driver in highly automated vehicles while driving when changing the driving paradigm from automatic to manual. The work of the Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in this area is presented.


66-71 126

Crisis management, innovative development, mechanisms of labor stimulation, attraction of intellectual resources – these terms do not belong to the bygone era of the early 20th century, and yet a number of innovations of that time could be useful today. They are discussed in this article.


72-78 264

The authors of the article studied the features of pollution of areas adjacent to highways of various categories, revealed the degree of resistance of different groups and plant species to sodium and calcium salts used to care for the road surface, gave recommendations to minimize damage and preserve natural biogeocenoses.

79-84 163

The article deals with the development of a rapid method for predicting recurrence of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia by multiplex real-time PCR, which allows detecting the expression of 3 prognostically significant transcripts in a single reaction.

ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)