
Science and Innovations

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No 11 (2021)
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4-13 58

The author gives an overview of the most advanced scientific and technical developments of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as the urgent tasks facing the scientific community.


14-15 66

The author describes the principles of drawing up an ecological rating of the Belarus’ regions development.

16-21 63

The authors made an assessment of the heavy metals content in organic fertilizer based on dewatered fermented sludge. They investigated the processes of the sludge sanitary-indicative bacteria dying off in the conditions of field storage.

22-27 63

The article considers various types of installation and equipment for air purification, their advantages, disadvantages and possible use

28-33 102

The authors present the biological products based on living cells of microorganisms for solving environmental problems in an urbanized environment.

34-41 162

The article provides data on the results of long-term monitoring of the state of vegetation along the main highways of Belarus, caused by environmental pollution in roadside strips with deicing reagents based on sodium chloride in winter in combination with a set of other negative factors (exhaust gases from mobile sources of pollution, changes in environmental conditions, extreme manifestations of weather and climatic factors).


42-45 65

The author considered the economic category "innovative susceptibility", and showed its importance for the management of the economy’s innovative development.

46-51 167

The article presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the functioning of the national innovation system of Indonesia and identifies the main trends in its development in the context of global changes. An overview of the basic concept of the NIS and the methods of its research is given, the main elements of the system are highlighted. The author has studied in detail the activities of organizations that are part of the national system, identified their advantages and disadvantages. Special attention is paid to the experience and problems of the formation of regional innovation systems. On the example of the city of Bandung, a positive experience of promoting innovative development in the region is studied. Based on the results obtained, the author made the appropriate conclusions and recommendations for improving the policy of strengthening NIS and RIS to counter global challenges.


52-57 73

There are presented the main provisions of the World Development Report 2021 "Data for a Better Life", which examines the role of digital information in ensuring a higher standard of living for people in developing countries


58-63 123

The article discusses the technological aspects of microgreens production, which is a highly valuable product, its advantages and promises.

64-68 83

Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of extracts of flowers of Helichrysum and Sparrow leaves Natallya Adamtsevich, Postgraduate Student, Department of Biotechnology, Belarusian State Technological University Valery Baltousky, Professor of the Department of Chemical Processing of Wood and the Department of Biotechnology of the Belarusian State Technological University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Viktar Lyavontsyev, Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Belarusian State Technological University, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Uladimir Tsitok, Director of the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Corresponding Member Su mmary. The article provides an assessment of the antimicrobial activity of the extracts of the everlasting flowers and the leaves of the littlewale against gram-positive (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus), gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) pathogenic bacteria and yeast-like fungi (Candida albicans). It has been established that the extract of the flowers of the everlasting has an antimicrobial action only against gram-positive bacteria. All types of the studied microorganisms are not sensitive to the extract of the leaves of the littlewale.


69-74 65

The results of studies of the effect of new types of baked goods on the body of pregnant and non-pregnant rats. The study of hematological and biochemical parameters showed the quality and safety levels of the products used.

75-79 82

The aim of the work is to assess changes in the bioelement status of overweight persons using the method of X-ray fluorescence analysis and to identify its correlations with nutritional features. It has been found that in a group of men with body mass index 25-30, the Ca/K ratio > 5 in 64 % of the surveyed, and the Zn/Cu ratio > 8 in 72 % of persons. Thus, it can be seen that in a group of men with increased body weight, the activity of calcium-regulating hormones is increased in 64%. In a group of women with body mass index 25-30, the Ca/K ratio > 5 in 92 % of the surveyed patients, and the Zn/Cu ratio > 8 in 56 %. It has been shown that with increased body weight, the activity of calcium-regulating hormones is increased in 92 % of the surveyed women. To construct the multiple regression equation, a matrix of paired correlation coefficients of factor levels is calculated and analyzed. The value of the Ca/K ratio in men is determined by the intake of potassium, calcium, iron, molybdenum, lead, and cadmium with food. The Ca/K ratio in women is determined by the intake of calcium, manganese, and sulfur with food. To normalize the work of calcium-regulating mechanisms, it is necessary to control the intake of these elements into the body.


80-83 96

The article considers the cooperation of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus with their colleagues in the country and abroad, its forms and scope, based on the bibliometric analysis of domestic scientific publications in the international database Scopus. A correlation was revealed between research activity and the level of citation of works by the world academic community, as well as other patterns of references and links to articles.

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)