In the interview, the Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, academician Vladimir Gusakov spoke on the new role of science, the effectiveness of managerial and infrastructural changes and innovations aimed at increasing the prestige of science.
In his interview the Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology Sergei Shlychkov spoke on the transfer of scientific results to the real sector of the economy.
Minister of Education, corresponding member of the NAS of Belarus Andrei Ivanets tells about the development of national universities in modern conditions.
The authors show the role of science in modern society and underline the need toprotect theindividual from primitivesenses and fillthem with higher ones.
Nowadays, the scientists solve multidisciplinary problems and perform complexsocialroles. Itultimately develops into the irspecial, recognized mission. There are given the statements of the researchers, interpreting their goals and objectives.
The authors analyze the capabilities of the open multidisciplinary bibliographic system Wizdom.ai, which aims to promote R&D and improve the image of scientific institutions.
The article shows the importance of internal culture formation and main tenancein the organization, it’s values and normsensuring the effectiveness of scientific research.
The ways of encouraging the Soviet scientists in the 1930-1940s from the point of view of effective promotion of innovations in the national economy and improving the well-being of the society are considered.
The evolution of the theory of technological sovereignty is considered. It has been established that some of the first works devoted to this topic were published by M. Merkhov, who identified three basic conditions affecting the technological dependence of states. It was revealed that in the mid-70s of the last century, a theory of dependence was formed, including two directions: the structuralist school and the Marxist movement. Representatives of this theory called the restraining influence of highly developed states as a source of technological dependence. In addition, modern EU program documents aimed at ensuring technological sovereignty are reviewed.
The main trends in the development of world trade in recent decades have been studied, both in terms of the commodity nomenclature of foreign trade and in terms of volume indicators.
The presence of certain crisis phenomena in the world trade system associated with unprecedented restrictive measures against a number of countries is shown. In the context of the sectoral structure of commodity exports of the Republic of Belarus, changes in the export of goods caused by the introduction of economic sanctions against the Republic of Belarus were identified. A number of conclusions are substantiated regarding promising areas of Belarusian exports, including under the current sanctions restrictions. The existing comparative advantages in the export potential of the Republic of Belarus are determined and the directions for their development and the formation of a new commodity environment are formulated.
The article considers the prospects for the foreign trade relations of the Republic of Belarus and the kingdoms of Lesotho and Eswatini development and the features of doing business in these markets.
The reasons for the ethnophilosophical studies related to traditional culture beingcomplicated when faced withthe phenomenon of living tradition are analyzed, especially whendealing with the sphere of the sacred.
The author considers the commemorative practices of perpetuating the memory of academic researchers whose names have become the common property of the Belarusian people.
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)