The author reconstructs the history of the first universities in Soviet Belarus based on the archival sources: official documents, printed mediawa memoirs of students and lecturers of the Belarusian State University.
It is an article from the cycle «Historical memory. Return to peaceful life». On the basis of archival materials the authors show how our country and its science were revived for a peaceful life and creative work after the Great Patriotic War.
The article considers the key aspects of the of BSSR agricultural recovery in the first post-war period. The authors describe the core activities of the Belarusian government aimed at eliminating the aftermath of the war in the field of agriculture, and underline the labor feat of the Belarusian people
The research problem was to identify priorities in the restoration of transport. Shown are the efforts of local authorities and working people to reconstruct the transport communications.
The authors studied the theoretical and methodological aspects of energy security in the world economy, grounded the measures and instruments of the countries interaction to achieve this goal.
The article considers the phenomenon of digital inequality. There have been given a definition of this phenomenon, classifying factors; the consequences of the digital gap and its impact on the economy and public life have been shown, as well as the measures to reduce it
The article analyzes and summarizes the experience of China in organizing interaction between the state, science and business using digitalization tools. Digital technologies in China have already changed and simplified the interaction of government, science and business of enterprises, and increased the efficiency of the national innovation system, which influenced the overall effectiveness of innovation
This article discusses the essence of digitalization and automation in marketing, the advantages, the main problems and trends in this area. Much attention is paid to key approaches in the field of marketing campaign automation.
The article deals with the issues of innovative development of passenger transport through the introduction of IT technologies; intelligent transport systems in major cities of the world; the functions of the state in the creation and operation of intelligent transport systems. The article analyzes the legal framework of the Republic of Belarus, the state of information technologies in transport, and the need for their integration. A number of practical steps aimed at creating an intelligent transport system in Minsk are proposed
The article is devoted to the 90th anniversary of the leading scientific institution of the country in the economic sphere and its role in the formation of the national policy.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of the State research program "Fundamental and applied sciences for medicine" in 2016–2020. There has been given an assessment of it’s scientific and applied significance for the republic and opportunities for further commercialization
The cycle of materials under the heading “Open doors" presents the main achievements of the Scientific and Practical Center for Food for a 20-year period of work.
It is an essay about the young scientist-ethnographer Anna Tyapkova, who studies the cultural heritage of the most authentic settlements of our country.
The experiment was performed on 2 samples of the pig's cervical spine. 12 transpedicular screws were implanted using navigation templates. The safety and accuracy of installation of screws were evaluated by analyzing the results of computed tomography. 12 screws had a level of implantation safety of 0 degree – the screw was completely inside the bone structures of the vertebra. The accuracy of the implanted screws was evaluated by determining the degree of deviation of the obtained screw trajectory from the planned one. The resulting accuracy of the installed screws is 91 % and corresponds to class 1. At standard deviation, there were no significant differences in the axial and sagittal angles between the planned installation and the actual trajectory of the screw for the subaxial cervical spine on the left and right. There were no significant differences in the standard deviation in the axial projection at the points of entry and intended exit of the screw. Statistical analysis did not reveal significant differences between planned and actual results (P > 0.05).
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)