
Science and Innovations

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No 12 (2024)
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4-10 35

The article presents a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of two digital megaprojects: a business-oriented metaverse and a scientific multiverse. It substantiates the conclusion that the further trajectory of civilization development will largely be determined by the path that humanity chooses.

11-14 30

There are given the possible areas of technologies development for creating metaverses that will be in demand in the short and medium term.

15-19 20

Immersive education environment he analysis of the potential impact of metaverses on the education sector has been carried out, with the main system components undergoing significant changes due to their impact highlighted.

20-26 22

The article explores the opportunities and challenges associated with the introduction of metaverse technology into the banking sector. Particular attention is paid to the integration of blockchain, virtual and augmented realities, the formation of a financial model of the metaverse, and risks.

27-29 23

There are analyzed the most important characteristics of the metaverse in the context of social communications.

30-38 56

The article examines the features and analyzes individual effectiveness indicators of investment policy in the interests of innovative development within the framework of the Belarusian economic model. The modes of financing innovative and scientific and technical projects within the framework of the implementation of state and interstate programs, preferential legal investment regimes within the framework of free economic zones, the Hi-Tech Park, the Great Stone Industrial Park, the investment agreement with the Republic of Belarus, the activities of innovative infrastructure entities, the type of economic activity "Research and Development", production high-tech goods (works, services), innovative activities. Key measures have been formulated to stimulate investment in the scientific, technological and innovative spheres, including the creation of the Eurasian Agency for Trade and Investment and a free trade zone for high-tech goods between the Eurasian Economic Union and the People's Republic of China, etc.


39-43 38

The problem of international trade at the regional and country levels is considered. It is noted that after 2022, due to numerous sanctions, the geography of trade has undergone significant changes. The main trends in the development of trade for countries friendly and neutral in relation to Russia are determined. Statistics on the results of the Observatory of Economic Complexity for the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation are presented. The author notes that the statistical and scientific-methodological material of the Observatory of Economic Complexity is undeservedly little used in domestic practice. Based on the results of the study, the author reveals the possibility of widespread use of the described system by domestic economists and university professors. A number of issues for enhancing inter-country trade in goods and services were outlined. Particular attention is paid to the countries of the Global South. It is noted that there are opportunities to analyze trade between regions within a single country.

44-50 41

The author justifies the need for the development of artificial intelligence, laws, ethical code and other legislative instruments program in the Republic of Belarus.

51-56 25

The available standards for Industry 4.0 are considered and the need for developing new ones and their accelerated implementation is shown.


57-60 21

The influence of three factors on management results is considered: the manager’s ability to take the problem holistically, his readiness to solve it and his acceptance of the challenge.


61-66 34

The article considers a number of factors that directly or indirectly influence the electric mobility growth on a local and global scale. The main trends in the development of the electric transport sector, determined by the specifics of natural conditions, the extraction of rare metals and other minerals that are critical for the industry in the regional context, are determined. The article provides statistics on the transition to electric transport in different countries of the world and further plans for this transition, the chronology and reasons for their adjustment, as well as the results of the latest academic and corporate scientific research on the environmental friendliness and payback of various types of transport in both the short and long term. A number of questions are outlined, the answers to which will lead to more balanced decisions on the further implementation and improvement of modern vehicles on electric traction.


67-73 41

Evaluation of regional hemodynamis and functional condition of the lower extremity muscles of the lower leg, motor activity of two periphery nerves in patients who sustained the intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia was performed at 8–10 days; 1,5–2, 3–4 and 6–12 months after the surgical treatment with open reduction and plate fixation. Physiological analysis of the restoration of natural and evoked neuro-muscular activity, regional blood supply in cases with good adaptation of the boney fragments allowed to perform quantitative evaluation of the muscular activity level, degree of revascularization and the compensation of the initial and secondary circulatory disorders of the blood supply during different phases of reparative osteogenesis. During stages of fracture union and remodeling all patients demonstrated disorders of muscular and peripheral nerves function, hyperperfusion on main arteries with increased vascularization of the injured segment. Normalization of the parameters of neuro-muscular activity and regional blood supply was not yet completed by the time of boney union (by radiological data). Significant or moderate degree of disorders of muscular function with moderate of insignificant decrease of motor conduction of n.peroneus in the dustal segment (level of the forefoot) with insignificant decrease or normal level of motor conduction of n.tibialis, hyperperfusion on main arteries with normal vascularization of the injured segment. The received data build the basis for the definition of the criteria of anatomical-functional compliance between boney union and restoration of the motor activity of the muscles.

74-79 37

An assessment was made of the incidence of pharyngeal mycosis (MG) among children with bronchopulmonary pathology with a description of their qualitative (clinical, microscopic, mycological), as well as quantitative (up to 10*3 and 10*4 and higher colon-forming units (CFU)) signs. A relationship between pharyngomycosis among children with respiratory tract diseases and the use of antibiotics and glucocorticosteroids was revealed. The relevance of introducing modern methods for diagnosing MG into the clinical process, including the method of obtaining biological material from the pharynx, is shown. The effectiveness of the method of obtaining biological material from the pharynx using a cytoskeleton aimed by an otorhinolaryngologist during pharyngoscopy allows increasing the frequency of diagnosis of pharyngeal mycosis by almost 10 times.

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)