The authors analyzed the China’s experience in borrowing foreign innovations and international scientific and technical cooperation, and identified the factors influencing the organization of scientific and technical cooperation
The successful experience of China in borrowing foreign innovations and international scientific and technical cooperation is analyzed. There is a stereotype that China has made an innovation breakthrough by directly borrowing foreign technology and innovation. However, the process of their development was more complex and mutually beneficial, and ultimately gave rise to the conditions for the creation of their own technologies and innovations, this is confirmed by China’s world leader today in patent registration and the publication of scientific articles. The article identifies the factors of such success associated with properly organized scientific and technical cooperation.
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For citations:
Kovalev M., Yanhai H. The authors analyzed the China’s experience in borrowing foreign innovations and international scientific and technical cooperation, and identified the factors influencing the organization of scientific and technical cooperation. Science and Innovations. 2022;(6):46-52. (In Russ.)