Study of regional hemodynamics and neuromuscular activity in patients with intra-articular fracture of the distal tibia
Evaluation of regional hemodynamis and functional condition of the lower extremity muscles of the lower leg, motor activity of two periphery nerves in patients who sustained the intra-articular fractures of the distal tibia was performed at 8–10 days; 1,5–2, 3–4 and 6–12 months after the surgical treatment with open reduction and plate fixation. Physiological analysis of the restoration of natural and evoked neuro-muscular activity, regional blood supply in cases with good adaptation of the boney fragments allowed to perform quantitative evaluation of the muscular activity level, degree of revascularization and the compensation of the initial and secondary circulatory disorders of the blood supply during different phases of reparative osteogenesis. During stages of fracture union and remodeling all patients demonstrated disorders of muscular and peripheral nerves function, hyperperfusion on main arteries with increased vascularization of the injured segment. Normalization of the parameters of neuro-muscular activity and regional blood supply was not yet completed by the time of boney union (by radiological data). Significant or moderate degree of disorders of muscular function with moderate of insignificant decrease of motor conduction of n.peroneus in the dustal segment (level of the forefoot) with insignificant decrease or normal level of motor conduction of n.tibialis, hyperperfusion on main arteries with normal vascularization of the injured segment. The received data build the basis for the definition of the criteria of anatomical-functional compliance between boney union and restoration of the motor activity of the muscles.
About the Authors
O. ShalatoninaBelarus
Olga Shalatonina.
I. Kandybo
Irina Kandybo.
A. Sitnik
Alexander Sitnik.
O. Vasko
Olga Vasko.
A. Kruk
Alexander Kruk.
A. Kochubinski
Alexey Kochubinski.
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For citations:
Shalatonina O., Kandybo I., Sitnik A., Vasko O., Kruk A., Kochubinski A. Study of regional hemodynamics and neuromuscular activity in patients with intra-articular fracture of the distal tibia. Science and Innovations. 2024;(12):67-73. (In Russ.)