Bioelement status of the body in overweight persons
The aim of the work is to assess changes in the bioelement status of overweight persons using the method of X-ray fluorescence analysis and to identify its correlations with nutritional features. It has been found that in a group of men with body mass index 25-30, the Ca/K ratio > 5 in 64 % of the surveyed, and the Zn/Cu ratio > 8 in 72 % of persons. Thus, it can be seen that in a group of men with increased body weight, the activity of calcium-regulating hormones is increased in 64%. In a group of women with body mass index 25-30, the Ca/K ratio > 5 in 92 % of the surveyed patients, and the Zn/Cu ratio > 8 in 56 %. It has been shown that with increased body weight, the activity of calcium-regulating hormones is increased in 92 % of the surveyed women. To construct the multiple regression equation, a matrix of paired correlation coefficients of factor levels is calculated and analyzed. The value of the Ca/K ratio in men is determined by the intake of potassium, calcium, iron, molybdenum, lead, and cadmium with food. The Ca/K ratio in women is determined by the intake of calcium, manganese, and sulfur with food. To normalize the work of calcium-regulating mechanisms, it is necessary to control the intake of these elements into the body.
About the Authors
Ali Adib Hussein AliBelarus
L. Loseva
T. Krupskaya
O. Kuznetsov
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For citations:
Ali A., Loseva L., Krupskaya T., Kuznetsov O. Bioelement status of the body in overweight persons. Science and Innovations. 2021;(11):75-79. (In Russ.)