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From quantum optics to quantum information science


The author describes the formation and development process of two important areas of modern science, those of quantum optics and quantum information science, which arose at the junction of quantum mechanics, optics, information theory, discrete mathematics and laser physics.

About the Author

S. Kilin
Институт физики им. Б.И. Степанова НАН Беларуси


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5. Килин C.Я. Квантовая информация / C.Я. Килин // Успехи физических наук. 1999. Т. 169, №5. C. 507–526; Kilin S. Ya. Chapter 1. Quanta and information / S. Ya. Kilin // Progress in Optics. 2001. Vol. 42. P. 1–91.


For citations:

Kilin S. From quantum optics to quantum information science. Science and Innovations. 2025;1(1):11-17. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)