The effectiveness of innovations in the UK healthcare system: A comparative analysis of the leading European countries and Belarus
The health care system in Great Britain is considered, as well as the economic effectiveness of its functioning in comparison with the major European countries and Belarus. We considered the institutional features of its modern improvement, and made an attempt to measure the effectiveness of innovations in the healthcare system. Cost-effectiveness, its content, indicators and influencing factors have been sufficiently studied in the Russian literature. However, little attention is paid to the specificity of indicators that related to the non-productive sphere, especially the effectiveness of institutional reforms in it and to the regulative role of the state. The health care system аs any makes the greatest contribution to the preservation and increase of human capital, so it has every right to be considered a second-level production sphere, where is formed the most important factor of social production. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of institutional and legal changes in the healthcare system of the leading countries allows us to identify the horizons of the strategic health policy in Belarus.
About the Authors
L. ZenkovaBelarus
Larisa Zenkova
A. Zemtsov
Alexander Zemtsov
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For citations:
Zenkova L., Zemtsov A. The effectiveness of innovations in the UK healthcare system: A comparative analysis of the leading European countries and Belarus. Science and Innovations. 2022;(5):73-77. (In Russ.)