Current state and prospects for the artificial intelligence technologies use in car design
There are determined the current and promising areas of using advanced algorithms, trained models of systems and programs based on artificial intelligence technologies in the automation systems of car design development.
About the Authors
S. PoddubkoBelarus
Sergey Poddubko
V. Bokhonko
Viktor Bokhonko
V. Ivchenko
Vadim Ivchenko
D. Pavlovich
Dmitry Pavlovich
O. Moisey
Olga Moisey
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For citations:
Poddubko S., Bokhonko V., Ivchenko V., Pavlovich D., Moisey O. Current state and prospects for the artificial intelligence technologies use in car design. Science and Innovations. 2024;(11):20-26. (In Russ.)