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Tropilelapsosis of bees as a potential threat to Belarusian beekeeping


Tropilelapsosis of bees is a contagious disease of the brood of hon- ey bees caused by mites of the genus Tropilaelaps. The tense epizootic situation regarding this disease in the Russian Federation and a number of other countries is considered as a potential threat of the introduction of this parasite into the territory of the Republic of Belarus. This article provides an overview of scientific research on the biology and morphology of the pathogen, its distribution, the clinical manifestation of the disease, pathogenesis and diagnostic methods. Requirements are given to prevent the spread of this disease.

About the Authors

M. Chernik
Белорусский государственный технологический университет

Maxim Chernik

О. Prishchepchik
Научно-практический центр НАН Беларуси по биоресурсам

Oleg Prishchepchik 


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For citations:

Chernik M., Prishchepchik О. Tropilelapsosis of bees as a potential threat to Belarusian beekeeping. Science and Innovations. 2024;(10):79-83. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)