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Assessing the development level of smart cities in China


A methodology for assessing the level of development of smart cities in China is presented, developed by ranking three approaches (a weighted sum of WSM criteria with equal weights, a sum of criteria combined with the EWM entropy weighing method, a combined EWM-TOPSIS method based on calculating the degree of proximity between the current situation and its "ideal" state), which made it possible to determine promising areas of their sustainable development. Among them: improving the digital literacy of residents and growing digital talents, improving smart infrastructure, improving smart management capabilities through digital technologies, growing the digital economy and creating smart industries, promoting the urban environment, and ensuring smart living.

About the Authors

G. Golovenchik

Galina Golovenchik

Xue Qianwen

Xue Qianwen


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For citations:

Golovenchik G., Qianwen X. Assessing the development level of smart cities in China. Science and Innovations. 2024;(10):60-68. (In Russ.)

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