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Cost-effective approach to the analysis and management of socio-economic process technological quality.


The article examines the problems of analyzing the quality of socio-economic processes from the standpoint of taking into account the level of technologies used to produce economic goods circulating in these processes. A corresponding cost-effective methodology for determining the technological quality of socio-economic processes (production, consumption, export, import, accumulation, scientific and technical activities, innovative, educational activities, etc.) is proposed. Using this methodology based on the Input-Output table system, calculations of the technological quality of production, consumption, export and import for a number of countries, including the Republic of Belarus, were carried out. Analysis of the obtained results allowed us to draw final conclusions regarding the technological competitiveness and technological security of these countries. 

About the Authors

V. Bainev

Valery Bainev

N. Zenchuk

Nikolay Zenchuk


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For citations:

Bainev V., Zenchuk N. Cost-effective approach to the analysis and management of socio-economic process technological quality. Science and Innovations. 2024;(10):43-47. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)