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Economic cyber-physical space: theoretical and methodological genesis and modern trends of formation and development


In this scientific study, the socio-economic and technical and technological features of the new economic and technological paradigm are high lighted. As a result of the analysis of trends in the development of the Industry 4.0 market and digital initiatives adopted in the world, the prerequisites for the formation of an economic cyber-physical space at the national level have been identified, and the relevance of the subject of scientific research has been substantiated. Based on the analysis of the evolutionary development of spatial economics, the research of scientific schools is systematized and theoretical and methodological schemes belonging to representatives of the German, French (continental), Anglo-Saxon and Russian schools of spatial economics are analyzed. As a result, the postulates of the economic cyberphysical space are developed and the author's interpretation of the concept of economic cyber physical space is proposed.

About the Author

I. Zubritskaya
Белорусский национальный технический университет

Inessa Zubritskaya


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For citations:

Zubritskaya I. Economic cyber-physical space: theoretical and methodological genesis and modern trends of formation and development. Science and Innovations. 2024;(9):48-51. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)