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Parthanatosis in virus-associated liver and colon cancer


The biological marker of parthanatosis is Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), the activation of which is associated with various pathological processes in the body. Tumor tissue samples from patients with morphologically verified liver and colon cancer were studied. The control consisted of liver and intestinal tissues of the same patients not affected by a tumor, and intravital biopsies (native tissue) of the liver and intestines of non-cancer patients. Determination of the concentration of antibodies to PARP and determination of DNA/RNA viruses (VEB, HBV, HCV, HPV, CMV, HSV1/2, HHV6) in tissue samples was carried out by enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction method. The research results showed that the concentration of antibodies to PARP in tissue extracts from tumor processes is higher than in native tissue samples (p<0.05) and in tissue with «no criteria for malignancy» (p<0,05). The relationship between the frequency of isolation of DNA-containing viruses (HHV6, CMV, VEB) from tumor tissues and the concentration of PARP antibodies (p<0,05) suggests that DNA damage to cells is stimulated by viruses during oncogenesis of the liver and colon.

About the Authors

O. Kuznetsov
Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds NAS of Belarus

Oleg Kuznetsov, Director


V. Tsirkunov
Grodno State Medical University

Vladimir Tsirkunov, Professor, Professor of the Department

Department of Infectious Diseases



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For citations:

Kuznetsov O., Tsirkunov V. Parthanatosis in virus-associated liver and colon cancer. Science and Innovations. 2024;(5):79-83. (In Russ.)

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