«Saint George used to walk on the border, grow rye...». Traditions of the celebration of the spring Yury among Belarusians
A set of folk customs is analyzed on the basis of many years’ field research, which symbolically combine the main miracle worker of the Christian tradition honoring and greeting of living nature before the new cycle of agricultural work.
About the Author
T. KukharonakBelarus
Tatsiana Kukharonak, leading researcher, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Department of Folk Studies
1. Толстая С.М. Праздник // Славянские древности. Этнолингвистический словарь под ред. Н.И.Толстого в 5 т. – М., 2009. Т. 4. С. 237.
For citations:
Kukharonak T. «Saint George used to walk on the border, grow rye...». Traditions of the celebration of the spring Yury among Belarusians. Science and Innovations. 2024;(5):69-73. (In Russ.)