How to choose the right one from 100,000,000,000 options if you only have time to sort through 100 of them?
It is the final part of the article by Belarusian mathematicians, that allows you to understand the main thing about life and mathematics, i. e., why the simplest thing is the most complex, and also whether it is possible to take over the world with the help of one equation.
About the Authors
V. SarvanovBelarus
Vladimir Sarvanov, Leading researcher, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Department of Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics
E. Makarov
Evgeny Makarov, head of the Department, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Department of Differential Equations
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For citations:
Sarvanov V., Makarov E. How to choose the right one from 100,000,000,000 options if you only have time to sort through 100 of them? Science and Innovations. 2024;(5):51-57. (In Russ.)