The importance of nuclear energy in the modern world
The current state of nuclear energy in the world and in the Republic of Belarus is analyzed, and forecasts for the further development of the industry are given.
About the Author
Andrey KuzminBelarus
1. NUCLEAR POWER REACTORS IN THE WORLD // Reference Data Series No.2, 2023 Edition. INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY. – Vienna, 2023.
2. PRIS. Power Reactor Information System //
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5. Белорусская атомная электростанция //
6. Кузьмин А.В. Научное сопровождение развития атомной энергетики в Республике Беларусь / А.В. Кузьмин, А.А. Михалевич, С.Н. Сикорин. – Минск, 2023.
7. World Nuclear Performance Report 2023 // World Nuclear Association. July 2023, Report No. 2023/001.
8. Обзор ядерных технологий: материалы Генеральной конф. МАГАТЭ // Вена, март 2020 г.
9. World Nuclear Power Status //
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11. Projected Costs of Generating Electricity / International Energy Agency (IEA), Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) // 2020 Edition. NEA No. 7531. Paris, 2020.
12. ADVANCES IN SMALL MODULAR REACTOR TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS 2022 Edition // A Supplement to: IAEA Advanced Reactors Information System (ARIS), IAEA, Vienna, 2022.
For citations:
Kuzmin A. The importance of nuclear energy in the modern world. Science and Innovations. 2024;(2):14-16. (In Russ.)