Foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus in the conditions of sanctions and crisis of the world economy
The main trends in the development of world trade in recent decades have been studied, both in terms of the commodity nomenclature of foreign trade and in terms of volume indicators.
The presence of certain crisis phenomena in the world trade system associated with unprecedented restrictive measures against a number of countries is shown. In the context of the sectoral structure of commodity exports of the Republic of Belarus, changes in the export of goods caused by the introduction of economic sanctions against the Republic of Belarus were identified. A number of conclusions are substantiated regarding promising areas of Belarusian exports, including under the current sanctions restrictions. The existing comparative advantages in the export potential of the Republic of Belarus are determined and the directions for their development and the formation of a new commodity environment are formulated.
About the Authors
A. DainekoBelarus
V. Kozhar
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For citations:
Daineko A., Kozhar V. Foreign trade of the Republic of Belarus in the conditions of sanctions and crisis of the world economy. Science and Innovations. 2024;(1):54-61. (In Russ.)