Assessment of the transcriptional activity of cyclin genes in gastric tissues of patients infected with Helicobacter pylori
The article presents the result of the authors' own experience in the study of transcriptional activity of cyclin genes in gastric tissue samples from patients diagnosed with gastric malignant neoplasm against the background of confirmed Helicobacter pylori infection. Based on the obtained data, a molecular-genetic method of assessing the pathophysiological state of gastric tissues on the basis of complex analysis of the level of transcriptional activity of cyclin genes is proposed.
About the Authors
E. VoropaevBelarus
Evgenii Voropaev
O. Osipkina
Olga Osipkina
A. Voropaeva
Alla Voropaeva
S. Achinovich
Sergey Achinovich
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For citations:
Voropaev E., Osipkina O., Voropaeva A., Achinovich S. Assessment of the transcriptional activity of cyclin genes in gastric tissues of patients infected with Helicobacter pylori. Science and Innovations. 2023;(11):79-83. (In Russ.)