Evaluation of the effectiveness of the plant protection complex based on the agricultural drone A60-X
The advantages of using unmanned aerial vehicles in agriculture in the context of a precision farming system are analyzed, and calculations of the economic effect that can be obtained in the agricultural industry due to this technology are given.
About the Authors
Yu. LeonovetsBelarus
Yuri Leonovets
A. Kuvshinov
Alexander Kuvshinov
A. Zhukouski
Aliaksandr Zhukouski
R. Karpanau
Ruslan Karpanau
V. Lobach
Volia Lobach
L. Saroka
Liudmila Saroka
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For citations:
Leonovets Yu., Kuvshinov A., Zhukouski A., Karpanau R., Lobach V., Saroka L. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the plant protection complex based on the agricultural drone A60-X. Science and Innovations. 2023;(11):68-72. (In Russ.)