Three-dimensional cell cultivation and bioprinting
The paper presents approaches to the formation of flat and three-dimensional cellular patterns using bioprinting methods, discusses the features of three-dimensional culture, when due to more intensive intercellular interactions the cell ensemble has properties that are not typical for single cells, the conditions necessary for the emergence of self-organization processes are created in the system of interacting cells, transformation into tissue-like and organ-like structures. Modern bioprinting methods provide increased productivity of these processes by engineering the additional levels of organization.
About the Authors
A. DenisovBelarus
Andrey Denisov
S. Pashkevich
Svetlana Pashkevich
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For citations:
Denisov A., Pashkevich S. Three-dimensional cell cultivation and bioprinting. Science and Innovations. 2023;(11):27-31. (In Russ.)