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Using investment policy instruments to stimulate innovative development of the economy in the context of digitalization


The article analyzes the International experience of using investment policy tools in the interests of stimulating the innovative development of the economy in various areasthe state system of research, development and implementation of innovations in companies, technology diffusionfinancial and non-financial support for business R&D and innova- tioncommercialization of research resultscluster policystrategies for the development of-commercial capitaletcThe key principles of innovation policy implementation in context of digitalization are defined. The experi- ence of foreign countries in supporting research and investment trends of countries in the creation and implementation of innovations is analyzed. The program documents that formulate the government's vision regarding the contribution of sciencetechnology and innovation to socio-economic development are studied. Various instruments of digital innovation support have been studiedincluding grantstax incentivesthe functioning of laboratories and incubators, public procurement, consulting services, etc.

About the Author

N. Lopatova
Институт экономики НАН Беларуси


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For citations:

Lopatova N. Using investment policy instruments to stimulate innovative development of the economy in the context of digitalization. Science and Innovations. 2023;1(10):40-43. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)