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From Kant to Feuerbach. The religious problem in the structure of German classical philosophy


The article deals with the problematization of the religion and religiosity categories within the framework of German philosophical anthropology in the 18th–19th centuries, and outlines the conceptual and problematic field of its study. It was shown that the anthropological turn in the understanding of religion began with the works of L. Feuerbach.

About the Author

N. Nikonovich
Институт философии НАН Беларуси

Nataly Nikonovich


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For citations:

Nikonovich N. From Kant to Feuerbach. The religious problem in the structure of German classical philosophy. Science and Innovations. 2023;(7):61-64. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)