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Restoration of tendons and ligaments of large joints using a Belarusian-made anchor fixator


This publication presents an analytical review of the literature and analyzes the own results of surgical treatment of patients with large joints tendons and ligaments damages using a Belarusian-made anchor fixator. The implant is made of titanium alloy, has a working part length from 5 to 16 mm, a thread diameter from 3 to 6,5 mm. The original design provides for the introduction of several threads into the anchor hole, ensures its strong fixation in the bone, including during arthroscopic operations. The method proposed by the authors is low-traumatic, safe and effective both for restoring damaged structures and economically, due to a reduction in the duration of hospitalization and subsequent recovery and a reduction in treatment costs due to the lower cost of the Belarusian construction compared to imported analogues.

About the Authors

A. Murzich
РНПЦ травматологии и ортопедии

Alexander Murzich

R. Sirotkin
РНПЦ травматологии и ортопедии

Roman Sirotkin

P. Amelchenya
научно-производственное общество с ограниченной  ответственностью «Медбиотех»

Pavel Amelchenya


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For citations:

Murzich A., Sirotkin R., Amelchenya P. Restoration of tendons and ligaments of large joints using a Belarusian-made anchor fixator. Science and Innovations. 2023;(6):78-83. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)