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Snow cover research


The scientific directions, research areas, methodological approaches and some research results of the Antarctic snow cover, carried out within the framework of the Belarusian Antarctic Program, are described.

About the Authors

S. Kakareka
Институт природопользования НАН Беларуси

Sergey Kakareka

T. Kukharchik
Институт природопользования НАН Беларуси

Tamara Kukharchik


1. C. Boutron. Atmospheric trace elements in Antarctic prehistoric ice collected at a coastal ablation area / C. Boutron, M. Leclerc, N. Risler // Atmospheric Environment, 18 (9). 1984.1947–1953.

2. M. Legrand, P.A. Mayewski. Glaciochemistry of polar ice cores: a review / M. Legrand, P.A. Mayewski // Reviews of Geophysics, 35. 1997. 219–243.

3. M. Thamban. Trace metal concentrations of surface snow from Ingrid Christensen Coast, East Antarctica–spatial variability and possible anthropogenic contributions / M. Thamban, R.C. Thakur // Environmental monitoring and assessment, 185 (4). 2013. 296–2975.

4. N. Bertler. Snow chemistry across Antarctica / N. Bertler, P. A. Mayewski, A. Aristarain [et al.]. // Ann. Glaciol. 2005. V. 41. P. 167–179.

5. T.V. Khodzher. Spatial-temporal dynamics of chemical composition of surface snow in East Antarctica along the Progress station – Vostok station transect / T.V. Khodzher, L.P. Goloboko-va, Y.A. Shibaev [et al.] // The Cryosphere. 2014. V. 8 (3). P. 931–939.

6. Xing Xing Jiang. Spatial variations of Pb, As, and Cu in surface snow along the transect from the Zhongshan Station to Dome A, East Antarctica [J]. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions / Xing Xing Jiang, ShuGui Hou, YuanSheng Li [et al.]. 2018. 10 (3), 219–231. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1226.2018.00219.

7. S. Becagli Chemical and isotopic snow variability in East Antarctica along the 2001/02 ITASE traverse. Annals of Glaciology / S. Becagli, M. Proposito, S. Benassai [et al.]. 39 (1), 2004. 473–782. DOI: 10.3189/172756404781814636.

8. D.A. Dixon. Variations in snow and firn chemistry along US ITASE traverses and the effect of surface glazing / D.A. Dixon, Р.A. Mayewski, E. Korotkikh [et al.] // The Cryosphere. 2013. V. 7 (2). P. 515–535.

9. Екайкин А.А. Стабильные изотопы воды в гляциологии и палеогеографии / А.А. Екайкин – СПб., 2016.

10. K. Kawamura. State dependence of climatic instability over the past 720,000 years from Antarctic ice cores and climate modeling / K. Kawamura, A. Abe-Ouchi, H. Motoyama [et al.] // Sciences Advances. 2017. Vol. 3, no. 2, art. e1600446.

11. С.В. Какарека. Пространственные особенности химического состава снежного покрова Холмов Тала, Восточная Антарктида / С.В. Какарека, Т.И. Кухарчик, Ю.Г. Кокош и др. // Проблемы Арктики и Антарктики. 2021. Т. 67. Вып. 1. С. 28–43.–2648–2020–67–1–28–43.

12. S. Kakareka. Study of trace elements in the surface snow for impact monitoring in Vecherny Oasis, East Antarctica / S. Kakareka, T. Kukharchyk, P. Kurman // Environ Monit Assess 192, 725. 2020.–020–08682–8.

13. S. Kakareka. Trace and major elements in surface snow and fresh water bodies of the Marguerite Bay Islands, Antarctic Peninsula / S. Kakareka, T. Kukharchyk, P. Kurman // Polar Science 32 (2022), 100792, ISSN 1873–9652. 2022.

14. С.В. Какарека. Стабильные изотопы в снеге прибрежных районов Антарктиды. Доклады НАН Беларуси / С.В. Какарека, Т.И. Кухарчик, А.А. Екайкин, Ю.Г. Гигиняк. 2021. Т. 65 (4). 495–502–8323–2021–65–4–495–502.


For citations:

Kakareka S., Kukharchik T. Snow cover research. Science and Innovations. 2023;(6):28-32. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)