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Prooxidant-oxidant balance in rats with cerebral ischemia


The study shows the importance of generating reactive oxygen species for the vital activity of body cells in general, and the brain in particular, and also the danger of their excessive production.

About the Authors

E. Bon
Гродненский государственный медицинский университет

Elizaveta Bon

N. Maksimovich

Natalia Maksimovich

I. Dremza

Iosif Dremza

T. Kavalenya

Tatyana Kavalenya

M. Lychkovskaya

Maria Lychkovskaya

A. Koiko

Alexandra Koiko

V. Shevchuk

Violetta Shevchuk


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For citations:

Bon E., Maksimovich N., Dremza I., Kavalenya T., Lychkovskaya M., Koiko A., Shevchuk V. Prooxidant-oxidant balance in rats with cerebral ischemia. Science and Innovations. 2023;(5):75-78. (In Russ.)

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