Allocative value of design and technological know-how
Industrial transformations in the production and business sectors provide a significant increase in the added value created by society through the use of innovative technologies and the release of innovative products. Additional added value is provided by the use of a combination in production processes: design and technological know-how, progressive means and objects of labor, highly qualified personnel, the attractiveness of a product or service for the customer. Allocative (distributive) cost of design and technological know-how implies the formation of a mechanism for optimizing the use of limited resources of society in "Industry 4.0". The optimization mechanism includes economic tools and levers. The economic tool forms a differentiated distribution of the additional added value of an innovative product between the design organization, the manufacturer and consumers of products and services, depending on the technical level of new products. The lever ensures the Pareto efficiency of these subjects and a high probability of implementing innovative developments. Economic levers are the dependence of the amount of encouragement of the subjects of innovation activity on two factors: the scale of production of the created innovative products and its priority for Belarus.
About the Authors
B. GusakovBelarus
Borys Gusakov
V. Loiko
Vadim Loiko
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4. Marvin T.F., Kurt Vonnegut – A Critical Companion.– Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2002.
For citations:
Gusakov B., Loiko V. Allocative value of design and technological know-how. Science and Innovations. 2023;(5):33-37. (In Russ.)