Software and hardware complex for identification and control of the animals’ physiological condition
The authors present the domestic software and hardware complex of the identification and control of the animals’ physiological condition system used for automatic collection of information, analysis of the data and giving recommendations, which allows real-time control of the necessary processes on the farm.
About the Authors
S. KarpovichBelarus
Stanislav Karpovich
D. Komlach
Dmitry Komlach
E. Zhilich
Evgeny Zhilich
Yu. Rogalskaya
Yulia Rogalskaya
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For citations:
Karpovich S., Komlach D., Zhilich E., Rogalskaya Yu. Software and hardware complex for identification and control of the animals’ physiological condition. Science and Innovations. 2023;(5):24-26. (In Russ.)