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The development of acute experimental peritonitis with the introduction of L‑arginine


High lethality in peritonitis and the data about the role of nitric monoxide in its pathogen‑ esis, determines the feasibility of the research to study effects of the NO‑synthase substrate – L‑arginine. The aim of the research was to study the acute experimental peritonitis course in rats with administration of the NO‑synthase substrate – L‑arginine. The experiments were carried out on male rats, divided into 3 series and intraperitoneally injected with: series 1 (control) – 0,9% sodium chloride, series 2 (experi‑ mental peritonitis) – 15% fecal suspension, 0,6 ml/100 g, series 3 (EP+L‑Arg) – 15% fecal suspension, 0,6 ml/100 g, followed by intramuscular administration of L‑arginine, 300 mg/kg. Administration of the NO‑synthase substrate – L‑arginine to rats with experimental peritonitis had a corrective effect in the form of a decrease in the severity of intoxication syndrome, the reaction of leukocytes of blood and peritoneal fluid, changes in nitrites/nitrates level, a decrease in the activity of oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and the degree of damage to peritoneum.

About the Authors

E. Gusakovskaya
Гродненский государственный медицинский университет

Erna Gusakovskaya

N. Maksimovich
Гродненский государственный медицинский университет

Natalia Maksimovich


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For citations:

Gusakovskaya E., Maksimovich N. The development of acute experimental peritonitis with the introduction of L‑arginine. Science and Innovations. 2022;(2):78-83. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)