Border in Belovezha forest: what will happen to biodiversity and natural ecosystems?
The authors assessed the impact of the barrier structure on the border of Poland and Belarus on the biodiversity of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", predicted the degree of impact on the natural complex by species and sources, compiled a potential system for long-term monitoring of the state of natural ecosystems, and drawn up a plan of urgent measures to minimize the negative impact.
About the Authors
D. GrumoBelarus
Dmitry Grumo
R. Tsvirko
Ruslan Tsvirko
P. Heshtaut
Pavel Heshtaut
M. Rahouski
Mikita Rahouski
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For citations:
Grumo D., Tsvirko R., Heshtaut P., Rahouski M. Border in Belovezha forest: what will happen to biodiversity and natural ecosystems? Science and Innovations. 2023;1(4):62-69. (In Russ.)