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Pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Belarus and intellectual property
The article considers the trends in the development of the drug market in the Republic of Belarus. It shows the role of the holding «Belpharmprom» enterprises in the production of medicines. The analysis of the patent-licensing situation in the pharmaceutical industry is carried out. A relationship has been established between the number of created original medicines and the number of patents for inventions received on them. Based on the analysis of state policy in pharmaceutical activities, a conclusion was made about the reorientation of enterprises to the production of generics. It was revealed that foreign drug manufacturers use two patent strategies in Belarus: they provide legal protection for their products and block the Belarusian pharmaceutical market mainly using the Eurasian Patent Convention.
About the Author
Y. NechepurenkoRussian Federation
Yuri Nechepurenko
1. Обзор фармацевтического рынка Беларуси 2020 / Sorainen – BIK Ratings // https://www. sorainen.com/wp-con tent/uploads/2021/04/ Pharma-guide-Belarus-2020.pdf.
2. Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Управляющая компания холдинга «Белфармпром» // https://belpharmprom.by/membersholding/respublikanskoe-unitarnoe-predpriyatieupravlyayushchaya-kompaniya-kholdingabelfarmprom/.
3. Об обращении лекарственных средств/ Закон Респ. Беларусь, 20 июля 2006г., №161-З: вред. Закона Респ. Беларусь, 13 мая 2020 г., №13- З// Национальный правовой Интернет-портал Республики Беларусь [ 1 9 . 0 5 . 2 0 2 0 , 2/2732] // https://pravo.by/upload/docs/op/ H12000013_1589835600.pdf.
4. О продукции / РУП «Управляющая компания хол- динга «Белфармпром»// https://belpharmprom. by/catalog/o-produktsii/.
For citations:
Nechepurenko Y. Pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Belarus and intellectual property. Science and Innovations. 2023;1(4):52-56. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9857-2023-04-52-56