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Indonesia's innovation system in the face of global change


The article presents the results of a comprehensive analysis of the functioning of the national innovation system of Indonesia and identifies the main trends in its development in the context of global changes. An overview of the basic concept of the NIS and the methods of its research is given, the main elements of the system are highlighted. The author has studied in detail the activities of organizations that are part of the national system, identified their advantages and disadvantages. Special attention is paid to the experience and problems of the formation of regional innovation systems. On the example of the city of Bandung, a positive experience of promoting innovative development in the region is studied. Based on the results obtained, the author made the appropriate conclusions and recommendations for improving the policy of strengthening NIS and RIS to counter global challenges.

About the Author

A. Yanchuk


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For citations:

Yanchuk A. Indonesia's innovation system in the face of global change. Science and Innovations. 2021;(11):46-51. (In Russ.)

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