Content and classification of risks in the IT sphere
There has been substantiated the theoretical and practical need of classifying the risks as an element of the risk management system. The risk category in the information technology industry was considered, and a classification of risks was proposed specifying their areas of responsibility. This classification includes also generalizing principles necessary for its being adjusted to a particular company in case of practical use.
1. EMEIA FSO IT Risk Management Survey «Managing IT Risk in a fast-changing environment» //
2. Международный стандарт ISO 31000:2018 //–2018.pdf.
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4. Архипова Д. В. Управление рисками организации // Science Time. 2014. №11 (11). С. 13–19.
5. Куницына Н. Н. Экономическая динамика и риски. – М., 2012.
6. Л. М. Радзиховская, Е. В. Иващук. Суть понятия «экономический риск»: ретро- спектива и современность // Економiчний часопис – XXI. 2015. №7–8. С. 4–7.
7. А. Е. Панягина. Подходы к пониманию и классификации рисков // Современная экономика: проблемы, тенденции, перспективы. 2012. №6. С. 5.
8. Декрет о развитии цифровой экономики //
For citations:
Predko D. Content and classification of risks in the IT sphere. Science and Innovations. 2021;(10):57-60. (In Russ.)