The EU and EAEU efforts in the framework of the sustainable development
The article analyzes the impact of industrial cooperation in the EU and the EAEU on the ecology of the regions, and analyzes the legal framework for regulating environmental standards in production. It is shown that an effective way to reduce the impact on the environment in industrial production is a well-coordinated waste management system, which is primarily aimed at preventing waste, as well as complete recycling and secondary economically profitable use. The subjects of the international economy, international integration structures of the EU and the EAEU are considered. Industrial cooperation is considered within the framework of the concept of sustainable development and strengthening cooperation of waste processing, the use of renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources that have a minimum impact on the environment. The most effective examples of developing waste recycling concepts in integration associations are given.
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For citations:
Keino M., Sasinovich H. The EU and EAEU efforts in the framework of the sustainable development. Science and Innovations. 2021;(7):38-43. (In Russ.)