Entry of Belarusian exporters to the markets of Argentina and Brazil
The article considers the perspective areas of the Belarus’ foreign trade with the Argentine Republic and the Federative Republic of Brazil development and the specifics of doing business.
About the Authors
P. ShvedkoBelarus
E. Tavgen
1. The World Bank in Argentina / The World Bank // https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/argentina/overview.
2. Argentina / Euler Hermes Global // https://www.eulerhermes.com/en_global/economic-research/country-reports/Argentina.html.
3. Trade Map: Trade statistics for international business development / International Trade Centre // http://www.trademap.org/Index.aspx.
4. Doing business in Argentina: Argentina trade and export guide / Department for International Trade // https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/exportingto-argentina/doing-business- in-argentina-argentina- trade-and-export-guide.
5. Brazil: Country risk / Groupe Société Générale // https://import-export.societegenerale.fr/en/country/brazil/economy-country-risk.
6. Brazil: Exporter Guide / USDA Foreign Agricultural Service // https://apps.fas.usda.gov/newgainapi/api/Report/DownloadReportByFileName?fileName=Exporter%20Guide_Sao%20Paulo%20ATO_Brazil_4–4–2019.
7. Exporting to Brazil / Department for International Trade // https://www.great.gov.uk/markets/brazil/.
For citations:
Shvedko P., Tavgen E. Entry of Belarusian exporters to the markets of Argentina and Brazil. Science and Innovations. 2021;(5):64-68. (In Russ.)