Differences in the parameters of the unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta in men with different body types
The article studies the features of the morphometric parameters of unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta in men with different types of physique. An analysis was made of computer scans of the abdominal part of the aorta and its unpaired branches in adult men with different body types, аccording to the classification by V.N. Shevkunenko and According to Pignet index.When using the index V.N. Shevkunenko from the studied angular parameters reliably differs only the angle of discharge of the superior mesenteric artery, in groups systematized by the Pignet index, differences are observed in all angular parameters. Due to the fact that the classification by V.N. Shevkunenko reflects to a greater degree the linear parameters of the body, and the Pignet index is also voluminous (chest girth, body weight), the latter provides a greater number of differences in the compared parameters of the abdominal aorta and its unpaired branches, including those depending on the type and degree of development of the abdominal fat fiber
About the Authors
V. GrishechkinBelarus
D. Vvedensky
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For citations:
Grishechkin V., Vvedensky D. Differences in the parameters of the unpaired branches of the abdominal aorta in men with different body types. Science and Innovations. 2021;(3):67-71. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9857-2021-3-67-71