Earlier we found for the first time that oil from the seeds of the invasive species O. biennis, collected in various regions of Belarus, is not inferior to world analogues in composition and content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), including γ-linolenic acid, and is characterized by hypolipidemic and immunostimulating effects. This work demonstrates the antioxidant and protective effect of the oil on human keratinocytes of the HaCaT line under simulated oxidative stress. A map of the distribution of O. biennis has been compiled and the stocks of seeds have been estimated in the regions of the republic. It is assumed that carrying out large-scale studies of O. biennis will help limit its expansion in Belarus, cultivate and standardize raw materials for the creation of domestic herbal medicines for medical purposes.
About the Authors
V. KandelinskayaBelarus
H. Grischenko
A. Levkovich
M. Anisovich
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For citations:
Kandelinskaya V., Grischenko H., Levkovich A., Anisovich M. OENOTHERA BIENNIS L. paradox: Part II. Science and Innovations. 2021;(3):57-60. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9857-2021-3-57-60