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Livestock breeding in the life support system of the Belarusian people (end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century)


The article analyzes the preservation of animal husbandry traditions in Belarus on the basis of ethnographic research, archival and statistical sources.

About the Author

H. Kaspyarovich
Цэнтр даследаванняў беларускай культуры, мовы і літаратуры НАН Беларусi


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3. Даль В. И. Толковый словарь живого великорусского языка. Т. II. / В. И. Даль. – М., 1955.

4. Тлумачальны слоўнік беларускай мовы. Т. 2. Г-К / Рэд. А. Я. Баханькоў. – Мінск, 1978.

5. Традыцыі жывёлагадоўлі Беларусі / Г. І. Каспяровіч [і інш.]; навук. рэд. Г. І. Каспяровіч. – Мінск, 2019.

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For citations:

Kaspyarovich H. Livestock breeding in the life support system of the Belarusian people (end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century). Science and Innovations. 2021;(2):13-15. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)