The global electric transport market: Growth potential and risks
The article considers the world electric transport market. The forecast scenarios of its growth are shown as well as the risks preventing their implementation, such as raw materials, financial and economic, environmental ones. The author shows the scientific and technical potential of the Belarusian electric vehicles development and production, along with the measures aimed at stimulating their use and creating a charging infrastructure.
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2. Global EV Outlook 2019. Scaling-up the transition to electric mobility // The International Energy Agency //
3. Global EV Outlook 2020. Entering the decade of electric drive? // The International Energy Agency //
4. World’s Top 10 Plug-in EV Automotive Groups Ranked by Sales in 2019 // InsideEvs //
5. First buses built by BYD France: Delivery of two pure electric buses to Beauvais //
6. BYD and Goldstone, 5,000 ebus per year in India by 2021 //
7. Electric buses arrive on time // Transport & Environment // buses arrive on time.pdf.
8. Погорельский А. Нет, мир не перейдет на электромобили: 5 главных препятствий //
For citations:
Prasniakova A. The global electric transport market: Growth potential and risks. Science and Innovations. 2021;(1):12-17. (In Russ.)