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The concept of urbanization development and regulation in Uzbekistan


The article shows the need to develop a concept for the development and regulation of urbanization in Uzbekistan, which is a new direction for ensuring sustainable socio-economic, innovative development based on the formation of the urban environment and urban lifestyle. The principles of the formation of urban policy are formulated, objects and subjects are identified. It offers new priorities of its development direction: application of new methods of management, based on the cluster approach of urban development in conjunction with regional development with the optimal use of existing resources on the basis of naturaleconomic potential of cities and efficient deployment of productive forces; by introducing the principles of «green» economy; based on innovative development on market conditions, development of the system of public private partnership and attracting investors by providing favorable conditions for the business environment.

About the Author

Y. Salimova
Министерство экономического развития и сокращения бедности Республики Узбекистан, Институт экономики НАН Беларуси


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For citations:

Salimova Y. The concept of urbanization development and regulation in Uzbekistan. Science and Innovations. 2022;(11):65-71. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)