Silicon carbide: from extreme tasks on Earth to the starry sky overhead
There are shown the achievements of the Department of thermal physics of the A.V. Luikov Heat and Mass Transfer Institute in the silicon carbide production and products.
About the Authors
P. GrinchukBelarus
Pavel Grinchuk
A. Akulich
Andrey Akulich
M. Stepkin
Mikhail Stepkin
M. Kiyashko
Mikhail Kiyashko
D. Solovey
Dmitry Solovey
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For citations:
Grinchuk P., Akulich A., Stepkin M., Kiyashko M., Solovey D. Silicon carbide: from extreme tasks on Earth to the starry sky overhead. Science and Innovations. 2022;(10):74-77. (In Russ.)