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Sectoral structural shifts in the Belarusian economy: Directions and assessment
The article is devoted to the analysis and assessment of the intensity of sectoral structural shifts in the Belarusian economy for the period from 1990 to 2020. Their key features and specifics are determined, the convergent nature of changes in the sectoral structure of the economy of Belarus and the economies of developed countries is established. The conclusion about the decrease in the intensity of structural changes in the republic is substantiated, which indicates a slowdown in the growth potential of the economy and necessitates the implementation of the state structural policy.
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For citations:
Rozhkovskaya E. Sectoral structural shifts in the Belarusian economy: Directions and assessment. Science and Innovations. 2022;(9):45-52. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9857-2022-9-45-52