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Key performance indicators of foreign entities of commodity distribution networks


During the analysis of the key legal act regulating distribution channels abroad, namely Resolution №183, it was revealed that the specified indicators need to be adjusted and clarified, since do not fully take into account generally accepted methodological approaches to assessing effectiveness and are focused more on quantitative rather than qualitative aspects. Also, given the active participation of the state in the regulation of foreign entities of enterprises’ distribution network, it is important to analyze state regulation influence on exporters’ foreign trade activities. This necessitates the development of a methodological approach that would allow for a comprehensive analysis of the channels for selling products to foreign markets in order to determine an effective export strategy by business entities. „


About the Author

A. Aksenevich
Институт экономики НАН Беларуси

Anna Aksenevich


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For citations:

Aksenevich A. Key performance indicators of foreign entities of commodity distribution networks. Science and Innovations. 2022;(4):45-49. (In Russ.)

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