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Innovative nonpreemptive marketing platform for Belarusian business and economics


The authors present the innovative nonpreemptive marketing platform developed for Belarus’ business and analyze its influence on the national economy.

About the Authors

V. Saverchenko
Институт тепло- и массообмена им. А.В. Лыкова

Victor Saverchenko

A. Movchan
ОАО «Сбербанк»

Alexander Movchan


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For citations:

Saverchenko V., Movchan A. Innovative nonpreemptive marketing platform for Belarusian business and economics. Science and Innovations. 2022;(4):41-44. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9857 (Print)
ISSN 2412-9372 (Online)