Intestinal microbiome as an indicator of pathological processes in the human body
The article considers the changes in the intestinal microbiota associated with metabolic and autoimmune diseases, diseases of the digestive, cardiovascular and nervous systems, and carcinogenesis.
About the Authors
A. SidarenkaBelarus
Anastasiya Sidarenka
K. Akhremchuk
Katerina Akhremchuk
L. Valentovich
Leonid Valentovich
K. Skapavets
Katerina Skapavets
N. Kirsanava
Natalia Kirsanava
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For citations:
Sidarenka A., Akhremchuk K., Valentovich L., Skapavets K., Kirsanava N. Intestinal microbiome as an indicator of pathological processes in the human body. Science and Innovations. 2022;1(8):32-37. (In Russ.)